Easterseals Redwood - Bob Woodruff Foundation

Easterseals Redwood

Military and Veteran Services

Service Area: Greater Cincinnati (Hamilton, Clermont, Warren, Butler counties, Ohio; Boone, Kenton and Campbell counties, Kentucky; Dearborn and Franklin counties, Indiana)

Goal: Ensure 125 veterans with high barriers to employment achieve job placement and improve their self-sufficiency

The Greater Cincinnati Metro area is home to nearly 8,000 veterans living in poverty and over 700 experiencing homelessness. As of January 2023, the veteran unemployment rate in the greater Cincinnati metro area was 3.5%, higher than the national veteran unemployment rate of 2.5%. Estimates of the unemployment rate for non-benefits-eligible veterans, who are not reflected in this count, are much higher. Easterseals Redwood’s (ESRW) Military & Veteran Services program addresses the needs of vulnerable veterans in the Greater Cincinnati region by providing emergency interventions, case management, and employment and education. ESRW’s employment services include job readiness training, industry certifications, and job placement, as well as transitional employment opportunities for veterans exiting homelessness and for those with higher barriers to securing long-term employment. The goal of this investment is to ensure 125 veterans with high barriers to employment achieve job placement and improve their self-sufficiency by 1) providing case management and resource navigation, 2) placing 125 veterans in employment, 3) offering transportation and financial support to ensure job retention, and 4) funding industry certifications for at least 50 veterans.