Military Child Education Coalition - Bob Woodruff Foundation

Military Child Education Coalition

Supporting Veterans’ Children Through Transitions

Location: National

Issue Area: Quality of Life

Transitioning from military to veteran life presents challenges for the entire family; ensuring that schools are receptive and supportive of veterans’ children eases the transition for the entire family. This Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC) program will provide resources and support for children whose service member parents are facing separation from active duty, including those service members who are separating unexpectedly due to physical injuries or mental health illnesses. The Bob Woodruff Foundation grant enables MCEC to develop and disseminate free online modules for school personnel directly supporting these students. This grant will also encourage peer and social support for veterans’ children by funding online student-to-student (S2S) materials for elementary, junior high, and high school students to support youth in transitioning or caregiving families. Additionally, the BWF investment will support the Supporting Veterans’ Children Through Transitions course delivery to leaders from community-based programs, including many BWF partners, at the annual MCEC National Training Seminar.