U.S.VETS Las Vegas Transforming Lives and Honoring Service Through Community Support  | Bob Woodruff Foundation

U.S.VETS Las Vegas Transforming Lives and Honoring Service Through Community Support 

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U.S.VETS—Las Vegas has been a leading force since 2001 in supporting military veterans and their families who face housing instability. Operating three residential facilities with over 330 beds and a community support office, the organization is a trusted resource for veterans in need of transitional and/or permanent housing.  

Beyond housing, U.S.VETS — Las Vegas facilitates veterans’ successful reintegration into society. The organization helps over 110 veterans annually find employment and provides rapid housing and homeless prevention services to over 400 veteran households annually. 

Our grants to U.S.VETS Las Vegas, a partner since 2016, help veterans like Kevin by addressing food insecurity and offering homeless and housing services and case management. Through the NFL-BWF Salute to Service partnership, we have contributed $680,000 in grants to U.S.VETS. 

Kevin’s story is a testament to the transformative impact of these services. 

From Isolation to Independence 

Kevin, a veteran, once lived behind the Palms Casino in the desert of Las Vegas. His journey was marked by the tragic loss of his son on the East Coast, where justice was not served for his grieving family. 

Traumatized, Kevin withdrew from everyone, even his own family. He moved across the country and essentially gave up. He lived in the desert without contact or connection for many years until the U.S.VETS outreach team met him.  

The U.S.VETS team quickly learned Kevin was a veteran and started chatting about their programs. Kevin was not ready to be around people or to trust. The U.S.VETS outreach team respected his wishes, but slowly, they built a connection with him, earning his trust through care and patience. 

Kevin realized he couldn’t continue living in isolation. He contacted the U.S.Vets outreach director, and shared he was ready for change. The director was nearby and ready to assist, guiding Kevin into their transitional housing program. 

With the support of U.S.VETS, Kevin transitioned into permanent housing and found stability. He became involved in therapeutic activities, even taking on the role of coach for the softball team. Reconnecting with his long-lost family, Kevin embraced a newfound sense of belonging. 

As he settled into his apartment, and with assistance from U.S.VETS, Kevin secured disability income, ensuring his long-term stability. Through the years, U.S.VETS remained a steadfast source of support, fostering Kevin’s journey from homelessness to independence. 

U.S. Vets, Little Caesars Love Kitchen, and the Bob Woodruff Foundation Host Super Bowl Event 

The NFL, Little Caesars Love Kitchen, and the Bob Woodruff Foundation (BWF) hosted a Salute to Service event during the 2024 NFL Super Bowl week to raise awareness for and support U.S.VETS mission to assist veterans like Kevin in the Las Vegas community. 

“We were thrilled when Little Caesars wanted to organize a service event for Super Bowl week,” explained Shalimar Cabrera, the Executive Director of U.S.VETS Las Vegas. “With activities, games, and surprise guests like the Super Bowl cheerleaders, it was a real NFL party for our 250 veterans.” 

“One of our long-term residents, who doesn’t usually attend many events, really enjoyed himself that day. He even had cheerleaders sitting with him most of the time, which was fantastic to see,” Shalimar continued. “We wanted to give our veterans a day of fun and honor, especially amidst the hype of Super Bowl week in the city.”  

Shalimar highlighted the heartwarming moments, including two veterans receiving Super Bowl tickets, and U.S.VETS receiving a $50,000 donation from NFL-BWF Salute to Service. “It was an unforgettable day, celebrating our veterans and the generosity of our partners,” she concluded warmly. 

Learn more about the NFL-BWF Salute to Service partnership.